Hi all!
I have finally got on board the goosemail train so can now post what Amy and I have been up to. Amy, as you can see is her usual happy self and I've been having a creative spurt. On Sunday mum brought over a tonne of wool and I picked out a load of colours to start knitting!!! Very exciting. I completed my first project yesterday, mini baby mittens. This is just the start of great things! I must admit that the mittens don't actually fit Amy too well, however, I am pleased with the outcome because I adapted a pattern and managed to make it work! Not bad for a first attempt I think. The pumpkins are my harvest from the pumpkin patch this year, also not bad for a first attempt at a garden. I planted the patch when I was 40 weeks pregnant!! I wanted to get a picture of them all before the halloween massacre begins. We'll be eating lots of pumpkin over the next few weeks.