Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Dan has passed! We go to Kinder.

I'm very proud of Dan, on Friday he got the results of his medical school finals and passed all of his exams with flying colours! He's been able to let his hair down a bit and on Monday we took a trip up to the high peak to do some walking.
Off the train at Hope and up the hill view of Loose Hill in background.
Amy marching upWyn Hill with help from daddy.

Views from the top.
  Hike up Jaggers Clough up onto Kinder Scout.
Views back to Wyn Hill (right top corner) a roman road runs alongside the trees in the distance.
 Views from Kinder into Edale.
It was a gorgeous day for a walk, Amy walked miles and it was great to be out in the peaks again after a long winter and all Dan's hard work.

Lydia and Phil tie the knot

We had a lovely time on Saturday at Lydia and Phil's wedding. Lydia looked gorgeous, the service was beautiful and the reception was a lot of fun. Plus the food was very good, and that always goes down well.
I'm not quite sure what's going on here, but I'm sure Dan had drunk too much schloer by this stage.


Amy and I had a lovely afternoon last week catching up with Carrie-Anne. We enjoyed the afternoon sunshine, chasing birds and playing in the daffodils.