Saturday, 29 October 2011

New Baby!

The new addition to the Gosling family has arrived. She was born on Friday morning (28th October) at 0027am, at Lincoln County hospital.The labour suite is on the 5th floor and we were in a room with awesome views over the cathedral. I don't think Katy was too bothered about this, but I appreciated the view!

Baby, who is currently nameless, weighed in at 8lb 11oz. I think she is lovely.  Some obligatory pictures are below.

Katy knitted this hat just the day before she arrived. I think she looks like an acorn with her chubby cheeks!

Amy has been very good with her new sister.  This was their first cuddle which lasted about 10s before Amy spotted the doritos and said 'can I have some crisps now'.

Joe got to meet his new niece before his flight back to SA.

Monday, 17 October 2011

The Daly's come to play

Isobelle, Fraser and Dominic came to Lincoln.  They stayed with us for the best part of a week.  We enjoyed chilling out and chatting, and they had a little explore of Lincoln too.

Baby - Sleep Eating - Hilarious

In unashamed 'You've been framed' style, Dominic eats his dinner.

Campbell's Soup Stacking

A Salmon

Katy bought a whole salmon beacuse it was on offer.  Amy practised some dentistry.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Yummy Tuna

I cooked this and was really pleased with myself.  I cooked it for Anna and Sam too, when they brought baby Isaac over to play. Unfortunately my pictures of baby Isaac are not as good as the pictures of my tuna - so I nicked one from Anna's blog.

Entertained with a feather

When we moved to Lincoln we went on a really long walk.  A feather kept Amy entertained for most of it.

Grimsthorpe Festival

August Bank holiday was spent in Thurlby, along with Great Grandma and Grandad.  We went with Grandad to a music festival/family funday at Grimsthorpe Castle.  It was a great day out, but a bit windy.  The highlight was a fly past by a spitfire and lancaster bomber which really was something else.  The noise from the engines was exhilirating; in one of the photos you can see how excited Amy got, as the bomber flew low overhead.

The Millers came to play

A hearty breakfast

For a growing girl

Lincoln Open Day

Cathedral and Castle were open for free the other weekend.  We took advantage.  It was windy!

Amy kept lying down all over the place, including in the cloisters and on pews in the cathedral.  She also enjoyed stroking a guide dog.


I had a week off after August bank holiday.  We made an impromptu visit to Skegness when the sun came out.  Amy loved being on the beach and in the sea.  Slept on the bus ride home!  I can see the attraction of Skeg...

It's amazing how far away you can see Lincoln Cathedral