Monday, 1 March 2010

So I got this text message from Katy...

... and it said:

"Amy properly said daddy and I got it on video!!"

So, I did what anyone would have done and rushed home to give my baby a big cuddle, so that she is sure I am the favourite parent!

Here is the evidence:


The Cryer Family said...

Yay!!!!!! Clever Amy! I just told Scott, and he said no she can't she's 2 months old...
Bad news is Katy, you sound like me!

Ivette Miller said...

She has such a sweet little voice. Our sweet voiced little boy has suddenly become a little gremlin and refuses to do anything but growl!! Sometimes he says Mama, but not for the camera!!

Anna said...

awwwwwwwwwww so cute!!! can't wait to see you tomorrow

Katy said...

She's only said Daddy a few times and luckily I caught this on camera.. she seems to associate Daddy with a picture of Daddy rather than the real Daddy! hhaaa ahah